Devs, Make Sure Your Page Is Searchable!

February 3, 2020

The Issue

Ever since launching my site,, I found that I couldn't google any page on my site. For example, when I google " redux" (my redux article), only site home page showed on google result. (This was done 2/1/2020.) redux search no-show

The Solution

I went to Google Search Console, then I checked URL inspection and entered "". Google notified me that it didn't exist. redux is not valid url

To make that page searchable, I needed to tell google to index that page. Here's how you can do it:

  • Visit
  • Click your domain (you need to add it if you haven't. Check here to learn how)
  • URL Inspection
  • Enter the site URL

You can request for indexing ("Request Indexing"). I usually "Test Live URL" before doing that to make sure that it returns green. redux testing live url and requesting to crawl

In this case, it does.

When requesting google for reindexing, it may take a few days. Google also tells you that:

URL was added to a priority crawl queue. Submitting a page multiple times will not change its queue position or priority. Learn more.

I checked my google search again on 2/3/2020 and it showed up on search. redux is now found on google

The Conclusion

Moral of the story? If you own personal site, make sure people can google your page! 👀

Added 2/4/2020 Thanks to helpful inputs in comments (check below 👇), here are more things you can do to help with your site's discoverability!

Adding sitemap.xml

Per suggestions below, it is best to add sitemap if you have many pages. For more information on sitemap, check this sitemap 101 article or moz article on search engines (go to sitemap section).

Thankfully, there are many sitemap generators. I created mine with Nuxt sitemap-module.

Testing your site index

How to quickly test indexed pages?

If you do (in my case, I did, google will show all results google have.

If you see screenshot below, you'll see I have 68 results (at the moment of writing), which is about right.

Search indexed pages

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